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  • What is the ActionCOACH Program?
    ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching firm. Started in 1993 by Australian entrepreneur Brad Sugars, ActionCOACH has spread its proven business model all over the world; ActionCOACH possesses offices and topnotch business coaches with experience in nearly every major industry in over 70 different countries. ActionCOACH has been set up with you, the business owner, in mind. As the preferred alternative to conventional and costly consulting firms, ActionCOACH is designed to give you both short-term assistance and long-term training through its affordable and effective mentoring approach. Few companies possess both the breadth of experience and pool of talent that ActionCOACH has, owing to the fact that we have worked with business owners in both group coaching sessions and one-on-one coaching programs for more than 25 years. In all of our proven business coaching programs, we are focused on teaching you our exclusive business-building strategies that will help you achieve the ActionCOACH definition of a successful business: a commercial, profitable enterprise that works without you. ActionCOACH works with more than 15,000 clients every week in dozens of different industries. But don’t take it from us: the hundreds of thousands of businesses owners we have mentored over the years can attest to the power and strength of the ActionCOACH system. Utilizing sales, marketing, and financial management systems, ActionCOACH not only shows you how to dramatically increase your business revenues and profits but also how to develop your business so that you, the owner, can work less and relax more. For this dream to become a reality, it all starts with our coaches. Our business coaches possess a great deal of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. They, like you, are fellow business owners who have invested their time, money, and energy into making their own various business ventures successful. These skilled and experienced ActionCOACHes represent some of the very best sources of information and mentorship an aspiring business owner can hope to have.
  • Why would I need a business COACH?
    Every great entrepreneur is surrounded by coaches and advisors. As the world of business continuously changes and evolves, it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes in your industry while running your business every day. Just like great athletes who find success by following the lead of a coach with a winning game plan, more business owners than ever before are turning to business coaches to help develop a winning game plan for their businesses. "Why", you might ask? It is very difficult to be perfectly objective about yourself, but a business coach can serve as an unbiased source of information and perspective, enabling you to see your own ideas and plans in a new light. A good business coach will not hesitate to tell you the blunt and honest truth, but they will also give you useful pieces of advice and knowledge about your industry and your competition. A great business coach will listen and guide you to success. Perhaps most importantly, a business coach will make you focus on your goals and hold you accountable to the things you should do, and to where you want your business to be. In a sense, your ActionCOACH will serve as a one-person board of directors. They will help you when it comes to refining your marketing strategies, your sales, your training, and every other pertinent area of your business. Simply put, when you work with an ActionCOACH, they become your partner, your confidant, your mentor, and your best friend. This is how your ActionCOACH helps you make your dreams come true.
  • What is one-on-one coaching?
    ActionCOACH offers many different coaching programs, all of which are designed to help your business grow. While you can always start with a group coaching program, nothing gives you the same kind of results that one-on-one coaching does. It is the only program in which your ActionCOACH will work with you directly for at least twelve months to make all of your goals a reality. There isn’t a single area of your business that one-on-one coaching doesn’t touch. From weekly coaching calls and goal setting sessions to working with you on your new marketing pieces, you will develop new sales strategies and business systems that will enable you to work less make your dreams come true. Your monthly investment in one-on-one coaching guarantees that your ActionCOACH will dedicate a minimum of five hours a month to work with you on your sales, marketing, team building, and business development strategies, as well as every element of the Action Plan you created during your Alignment Consultation. We understand that every business is at a different stage of development; this is why we’ve also developed multiple Group Coaching programs to fit the needs of every kind of business. Unlike a consultant, your personal ActionCOACH will do more than just show you what to do - he or she will be with you when you need them most. As each idea takes shape, as each campaign is put into place, as every plan is executed, your ActionCOACH will make sure that you are never alone. Your ActionCOACH will also be there when you need someone to talk to. Whether you’re faced with challenges or when you’re just not sure what to do next, your ActionCOACH will be there every step of the way.
  • How can I be sure that this will work in my industry and in my business?
    ActionCOACH is an expert in nearly every aspect of building and developing a successful business. Sales, marketing, business development, business management, team building - we have literally hundreds of different strategies and systems at your disposal to tackle each one of these sectors. You’ll quickly understand just how powerful our systemized approaches are. Because you are the expert in your business and industry, together we can apply our systems to make your business more effective. And thanks to our network of coaches all over the world, there is not a single industry that ActionCOACH hasn’t either worked with, managed, or developed in its twenty-five-year history. Our extensive support network means that when you hire an ActionCOACH, you hire the entire catalogue of resources ActionCOACH has to offer. Our team will find a solution for any and every challenge you may have. Imagine hiring a company with the collective knowledge of thousands of experts, in virtually every industry, in every corner of the world, ready to help you. when you hire an ActionCOACH, that’s exactly what you are getting.
  • Won’t this mean "more work"?"
    Once you understand the ActionCOACH definition of a business, you will never ask this question again. Our goal is to help you build a profitable, commercial enterprise that works without you. The last two words of that sentence are extremely important - our goal is to have you no longer working IN the business, but, instead, working ON it. That means that you’ll more time to spend doing what you want to do while the business serves you, instead of the other way around. When you first formulate a plan with your ActionCOACH, it may seem a bit overwhelming to execute. But remember: no one ever said attaining your goals would be easy. And yes, in the first few months, it will take some work to adjust to your new plans. However, the further you work into the program, the less work you’ll actually have to do. And at the same time, your company will be more productive. Simply put, you’ll be working much smarter. You will be amazed at how much more focused you’ll be and how much more you’ll get done. With focus, an ActionCOACH, and most importantly, the ActionCOACH systems, you’ll be achieving a whole lot more with the same or even less work and effort.
  • Will it cost me extra to implement the strategies?
    No - implementation is part of the ActionCOACH experience. Give your ActionCOACH just half an hour of your time, and you’ll be shown how to turn your marketing strategy into an investment that yields sales and profits rather than just running up your expenses. In most cases, an ActionCOACH will actually save you money when they discover areas that aren’t working for you or your business. For some marketing programs, you will need to spend some money to make some money. Yet, when you follow our easy-to-use testing and measuring systems, you won’t be risking your money on each plan. When we find the strategies that work, we make sure that you keep profiting from them time and time again. Remember: when you default to the accounting way of saving costs, you can only add a few percentage points to your bottom line. Following the ActionCOACH formulas, the returns from your sales and marketing can be exponentially greater.
  • What is your guarantee?
    We are the world’s leading business coaching firm, and we are also the only coaching company of any kind to guarantee our results. That’s because we know you WILL get results! We guarantee that you’ll be able to “find our fee” in your business within 17 weeks of ActionCOACH coaching your company, or your coaching is FREE. Remember: we are still your business coach, and we can’t do your work for you. You’re still the player, and it will always be up to you to take the field. We will push you, cajole you, help you, be there for you, and even do some things with you. We promise to provide the best service and support available, to answer your questions and challenges promptly, and offer you the most current and appropriate processes and approaches to each problem you have. But in the end, you’ve still got to DO the work. Ultimately, only YOU can ever be truly accountable and responsible for your own success. We are fully committed to helping you become successful, regardless of how much work it takes. Once we’ve helped you set your goals and create your plan, we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you achieve your goals, while at the same time promoting a balanced lifestyle. This is to ensure you never compromise either the long-term health and success of you, your company, or your personal value.
  • What results have other business owners seen?
    Everything! From owners previously working 60 hours a week down to working just 10 to generating revenue increases that are measured in orders of magnitude, our results speak for themselves. There are three main reasons why this will work for you and your business. First, your ActionCOACH will help you get 100% focused on your goals and the step-by-step processes to get you there. Second, your ActionCOACH will hold you accountable for getting things done, and not just the day-to-day tasks of running your business. You’re making an investment in your success – and we’re going to get you there. Third, your ActionCOACH is going to teach you as many of our 328 profit-building strategies as you need. Whether your goal is to make more money, work fewer hours, or both, within a period of the next 12 months your goals will become a reality. But don’t take our word for it - just ask any of the thousands of existing ActionCOACH clients or the hundreds of thousands who have worked with ActionCOACH to achieve their dreams.
  • What areas will you coach me in?
    Our “5 Ways” and “6 Steps” programs are two of the most powerful formulas in the world of business. We will put them to work with you in all areas of your business to help you multiply your revenues and profit. However, that is just one area of our focus. When you work with an ActionCOACH, the emphasis taken will depend on you, your business, and of course, your goals. These key areas are: Sales and Finance – You won’t know if you’re winning if you don’t have a full understanding of the scoreboard. This is the backbone for creating a profitable business, and one of the areas we’ll help you achieve spectacular results in. Marketing & Advertising – If you want to make a sale, you’ve got to find a prospect first. Over the next twelve months, your ActionCOACH will teach you amazingly simple and powerful marketing techniques that will drive profits. Team Building & Recruitment – You’ll never struggle to find the right people again. You’ll have only the motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, and loyal team members in your business when your ActionCOACH shows you how to put our de-selection process to use. Systems & Business Development – Learn how to structure your business so that you can work on it and not in it. We will show you the secrets of having your business work, even when you’re not there. Mastery and Customer Service – Discover how to deliver your products and services consistently, making it easy for your customers to purchase them and leaving them feeling delighted with their experience. Learn new ways to motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their continued business.
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